963 entries found starting with "S"
- Semruol (adj) - to distribute equally
- Sêmthei (n) - a hollow tube or bamboo used to flare up the fire by blowing from the mouth
- Sen (adj) - red, red crimson, scarlet, burgundy
- Sên (adj) - young, infant
- Sen (adv) - repeatedly, often
- Sen dang (adj) - light red
- Sen duk (adj) - deep red, crimson red
- Seng (adv) - each, all, one and all, individually
- Sèng (v) - to use up, to spend (as money, strength, etc), to give as a price
- Sengso (v) - expense, expenditure, cost
- Sengso thlak (adj) - expensive, to be expensive
- Senhri (n) - the name of a red orchid
- Sensas (n) - census
- Sente (n) - species of small ant
- Sentiri (n) - sentry