963 entries found starting with "S"
- Sei (adj) - far, long
- Seilien (v) - to grow up
- Seilienna (n) - where one grows up
- Seiling (n) - a Hmar Faihriem sub clan
- Sek (adj) - sturdy, well built
- Sek (adv) - again and again, over and over again, repeatedly
- Sek (n) - a big hammer
- Sêk (v) - to gather
- Sekawtrol (n) - a Hmar traditional house gate
- Sekhonhan (n) - secondhand (cloths)
- Sekhupthur (n) - the name of various species of begonia plant
- Seki (n) - a four anna piece
- Seki (n) - a Mithun's horn used as musical instrument
- Seki busuok (n) - a fabled horn from which the owner could obtain anything he desired
- Sekiular (n) - secular