963 entries found starting with "S"
- Se (v) - bite, to bite
- Se hme (n) - something that can be chew or munch
- Se lut hnunga se dai sak (phrase) - to erect a fence when a gayal already enters meaning - to do things or say something when it is already late and of no use
- Sebawng (n) - an animal similar to both cow and mithun
- Sebulsu (n) - the first "she mithun" paid as bride price
- Sechal (n) - a bull gayal, a bull mithun
- Sechalhling (n) - name of a climbing shrub
- Sedai (n) - name of fence erected to prevent domestic gayals to get into jhums
- Sehawp (n) - name of a fruit bearing wild tree
- SehnapthlĂȘng (n) - name of a variety of weed
- Sehnungzui (n) - the mithun or gayal paid as bride price after "sebulsu" which can be of any gender or size or age
- Sehrawn (n) - a period immediately after the death of a family member
- Sehriet (n) - chewing gum; plastic, rubber
- Sehriet (n) - the Indian rubber tree
- Sehriet puon (n) - waterproof cloth made of polythene