1675 entries found starting with "T"
- Thil phal (adj) - generous, charitable
- Thil thaw (v) - works, doings, deeds
- Thil thaw thei (v) - one who is powerful
- Thil thawsuol (v) - to sin, to do wrong
- Thil thawsuoltu (n) - a sinner, a wrong doer
- Thilhring (n) - insects
- Thilpek (n) - a gift, a thing given free of cost, offering
- Thilte (n) - name of wild plant the leaf of which is used for roofing in traditional Hmar house
- Thilthawhai (v) - acts
- Thilthawtheina (n) - power, ability
- Thilthek (n) - name of wild plant the leaf of which is used for roofing in traditional Hmar house
- Thilthlawnpek (n) - free gift, offerings
- Thim (adj) - dark, gloomy, to be overtaken by night
- Thîm (v) - to boycott, to outcast, to stay away from
- Thimbut (n) - dusk or a brief period after sunset