1675 entries found starting with "T"
- Thingdol (n) - the name of a soft wood tree
- Thingfanghma (n) - the papaya
- Thingher (n) - a single shaft of firewood
- Thinghmarcha (n) - a pepper corn, pepper, cape yellow wood
- Thinghnapkhir (n) - a variety of wild tree
- Thinghrang (n) - the name of tree (irritating to human skin)
- Thinghuon (n) - firewood shed
- Thingkau (n) - a twig, a small branch of tree
- Thingkawlkai (n) - the cassava plant
- Thingkha (n) - the name of a tree
- Thingkhawn (n) - stack of firewood in the front side of a Hmar traditional hill village house
- Thingkung (n) - a tree
- Thingkuongdeng (n) - a traditional pre-Christian ritual performed by a priest in which a liar is exposed of his crime. (A pot of rice beer is kept and filled with water up to the brim. After a brief chant by the priest, the real culprit used to disclose his hidden crimes fearing that the priest will be really calling the spirits. It is also said that the face of the culprit sometimes really appears on the rice-beer pot)
- Thinglubul (n) - a short undeveloped tree believed to be haunted
- Thingmather (n) - the name of a tree