919 entries found starting with "K"
- Khauh (adj) - stiff, inflexible, strong (as the current of a river)
- Khauh takin (adv) - strongly, sternly
- Khauhlang (n) - cockroach
- Khauhlang bawm (n) - a small basket-like vessel made from the stem of bean leaves
- Khauhrieng (n) - a species of small cockroach
- Khaukhim (n) - the name of a flowering tree with red blossoms
- Khaukhuop (n) - a species of edible locust
- Khauluzum (n) - a species of locust
- Khaum (n) - a bitter gourd
- Khaunam (n) - a species of locust
- Khaunurieng (n) - katydid, a species of locust
- Khauphar (n) - the name of a species of grasshopper
- Khauphar thawveng (adv) - leisurely, without any seriousness, foolishly light-hearted
- Khaupui (n) - the name of a tree with red blossoms and hairy banana-like fruit growing in clusters
- Khausanghar (n) - the name of a species of locust