919 entries found starting with "K"
- Kawt (n) - door
- Kawt (adj) - having nothing left, court
- Kawtebel (n) - the name of a tree, the bud of which is edible, snowflake aralia
- Kawtkhar (n) - door, a doorway, a gateway
- Kawtkhar bieng (n) - the frame of a door
- Kawtkhar bul (n) - the doorway
- Kawtkhar bulah (adv) - near the doorway, at the door, at the threshold
- Kawtkhar vengtu (n) - the gatekeeper, janitor
- Kawtthler (n) - street
- Ke (n) - a foot, a leg, wheel
- Ke bil (v) - to sprain the foot by accidentally stumbling
- Ke bulah (adv) - at the feet
- Ke in (v) - to walk, to go on foot
- Ke innghatna (n) - a footstool
- Ke khai (v) - to lift up the foot