895 entries found starting with "I"
- Iniel (v) - to feel extreme pain
- Iniem (n) - pride, egotism, conceit
- Ininhnik (v) - to be fast asleep, to sleep properly
- Ininnghil (v) - to die
- Inip (v) - to hold one’s breathe
- Inirh (v) - to hiccough
- Inkaisawng (v) - to inflict (disease) from one to another
- Inkaisawngthei (n) - communicable (disease)
- Inkâk (v) - split, come apart
- Inkal (v) - to oppose each other; to make a rough sketch
- Inkalna (n) - contradiction, disputation
- Inkam (v) - to stand up for or by one another, to help
- Inkamki (v) - to mutually support or hold up, to be mutually dependent
- Inkâng (v) - lifted on the upside, being lifted up
- Inkâp (v) - to fight, to shoot at one another