895 entries found starting with "I"
- Inhong (adj) - being receptive
- Inhra (n) - cramp
- Inhram (v) - sound or cry given out by animals or birds
- Inhran (adj) - moving out from the main house to a new one to be a separate family mostly by a son after marriage and children
- Inhrem (v) - to punish
- Inhremna (n) - punishment
- Inhrep (v) - cutting down (a log) bit by bit
- Inhriet (v) - to know each other
- Inhriettir (v) - to make it known, no notify
- Inhriettirna (n) - a notice
- Inhril (v) - to teach, to make someone understand
- Inhro (v) - to dry, to season
- Inhrol (adj) - large, huge (in size)
- Inhrom (adj) - rough, tough (in behaviour)
- Inhron (v) - to be on the opposite side of each other