310 entries found starting with "V"
- Voizan tieng (n) - this evening
- Vok (n) - the domestic pig
- Vok bu (n) - pig’s food
- Vok bubel (n) - the pots used to cook pig’s food
- Vok ek sir hmasa (v) - to be older in age
- Vok kuong (n) - see ‘taikuong’
- Vokbuol (n) - a pig’s wallow
- Vokkuong (n) - a pig’s trough
- Vokluphan (n) - a sacrificial post upon which the skull of pig is posted
- Vokluphan (n) - a sacrificial post upon which the skull of a domesticated pig is exposed
- Vokmit (n) - a variety of wild tree
- Vokna an (n) - name of a small edible plant
- Voknaan (n) - name of an edible plant
- Vokpui (n) - a sow
- Vokpui bahra (n) - name of a creeper plant