1675 entries found starting with "T"
- Tekhin thu (n) - a parable, a metaphor, an illustration
- Teksi (n) - taxi
- Têl (n) - a bundle, a bunch, to tie up into a bundle; a Hindi originated term for oil
- Telephawn (n) - telephone
- Televizon (n) - television
- Telkawng (n) - name of a wild plant almost similar to arum and the tuber, stem and buds of the ‘male’ plant is edible albeit with certain specific and intricate process; another name of ‘chaldawng’
- Telkhawmuol (n) - the name of a tortoise found on land
- Telpui (n) - the name of a large tortoise
- Telrang (n) - the name of a small tortoise
- Tem (v) - to taste
- Temnem (adj) - of less importance, less or minor issue (for the mouth)
- Tempul (n) - temple
- Ten (v) - to abhor, to abominate, to detest, to feel disgusted at, to loathe
- Tenau (adj) - petty, small, trifling, tiny, trivial, insignificant
- Tengki (n) - tank, water container