1675 entries found starting with "T"
- Tuolpuk (n) - the front porch of a Hmar traditional house
- Tuolser (adj) - homemade, locally made, country made
- Tuolsumsu (n) - a ghost or evil spirit which hops about on its head with its feet in the air (a pre-Christian era Hmar believes that it is human being in which a ghost entered in the night and do the act and, a person seeing another person treated in this manner is bound to be followed by misfortune and death)
- Tuolsung (n) - local, of the village or locality
- Tuolsung mi (n) - a person belonging to the village or area
- Tuolte (n) - a Hmar Thriek sub clan
- Tuolthat (n) - murder
- Tuolthattu (n) - murderer
- Tuoltro (v) - that comes out from the local area (songs, styles, etc)
- Tuolzawl (n) - the flat areas on the front of a house, one’s local area
- Tuom (v) - to bandage, to wrap round, to cover, to brood over (as a fowl)
- Tuom puon (n) - a shawl gifted to the family of those who lost their members
- Tuomna (n) - a bandage, wrapper
- Tuor (v) - to suffer, to endure, undergo, tolerate
- Tuorem (v) - to tie together, to bind (man and woman)