586 entries found starting with "R"
- Rûlhrût pai (v) - to have worms
- Rûlmuk (n) - the name of a poisonous snake
- Rûlngan (n) - the name of a poisonous snake
- Rûlnghawng sen (n) - the name of a snake
- Rûlpui (n) - a python
- Rûlpui luling (v) - to stand on the head
- Rûlral (n) - name of a species of squirrel
- Rûlriel (n) - serpent
- Rûlrukût (n) - thread worm
- Rulsakhi (n) - the name of a species of snake
- Rûlsek (n) - name of snake
- Rûltuha (n) - the name of an ovoviviparous snake
- Rûlvankai (n) - a species of green snake
- Rum (adj) - rough, tough
- Rûm (v) - to groan, to growl, to purr