657 entries found starting with "P"
- Pir (v) - to take a small quantity of anything with the finger or knife
- Piring (n) - a small conical land snail
- Pisa (n) - office
- Pisaumbur (n) - name of a small grass plant or sedges
- Pistol (n) - pistol
- Pit (v) - spit (of saliva)
- Pit (n) - the name of a small bird
- Pitar (n) - an old woman, to become an old woman
- Piu (adj) - a measurement equal to the width from the thumb to the tip of middle or ring fingers
- Plot (n) - a measurement of land of approximately 2400 square feet or 0.0551 acres and which is prevalent among Hmars of Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, etc
- Po (adj) - that much, this much
- Po po (adj) - all whole, every, entire
- Poi (adj) - regretful, pitiful
- Poi (v) - to be regretful
- Poi tawk (v) - to do harm, to hurt someone, to do mischievous, to harm