424 entries found starting with "M"
- Mithi (n) - a corpse, a dead person
- Mithi khuo (n) - the abode of departed spirits
- Mithi ngai (v) - to mourn for the dead, to miss someone who is no more
- Mithi ral (v) - to visit those who are mourning (mostly before the burial), attend to a burial ceremony
- Mithmul (n) - the eyelashes
- Mithrubi (n) - a variety of edible plant found mostly in Manipur valley
- Mitilre (n) - a eunuch, a castrated man
- Mitkal (v) - a cross eyed
- Mitkhetral (n) - child kidnapper
- Mitliem (n) - jaundice
- Mitmei hmu (v) - to have the approbation of
- Mitmei veng (v) - to watch the behaviour and manner of others
- Mitmei veng thiem (n) - one who know how to read a person’s thoughts by his manner
- Mitmeng zie (adj) - behaviour, manner
- Mitmu (n) - the eyeball