508 entries found starting with "L"
- Lungsie vankai (adj) - completely broken hearted, total despair or agony
- Lungsie vankaiin (adv) - broken-heartedly, in great sorrow
- Lungsietthlak (adv) - heart rending, sad, grievous, pathetic
- Lungsietum (adj) - pitiful
- Lungsukawi (v) - to content oneself, to make content with
- Lungsum (n) - water-pocket in rock formed by rushing current of stream or river
- Lungtat (n) - a hone, a grindstone, a whetstone
- Lungtau (n) - a Hmar clan
- Lungte (n) - a small stone, a pebble
- Lungten (v) - to detest or loath quietly
- Lungthril (n) - small stones, gravel
- Lungthu (n) - fire, a trivet, stones used to support a pot over the gravel
- Lungtum (n) - a stone, a large stone
- Lungturuk nei (n) - one who get angry instantly, to be easily annoyed
- Lungumpuon (n) - a Hmar traditional shawl