895 entries found starting with "I"
- Inthier (v) - to relief of one’s nature’s call
- Inthierfihlim (v) - to move away oneself from trouble
- Inthîk (adj) - to be jealous of one another
- Inthim (adj) - dark
- Inthin (v) - to tremble, to shiver, to shudder, to shake
- Inthîp (adj) - of severe pain
- Inthir (adj) - not smooth (esp) hair
- Inthla (v) - to let go, to release, to see off, to farewell, to part way
- Inthla pung (v) - to give birth and increase in number
- Inthlada (adj) - to let the active momentum loosen and relax over it, careless, negligent
- Inthladana (n) - carelessness, negligence
- Inthladul (v) - to let loose (the wire that binds)
- Inthlafal (v) - letting someone to be alone or in pair
- Inthlahrung (adj) - to feel uncomfortable or uneasy (due to one’s conduct), etc
- Inthlâk (adj) - to substitute