440 entries found starting with "B"
- Biek (v) - to speak to, to talk to; to propose for marriage; to offer a sacrifice to
- Biekbuk (n) - place of worship, church
- Biekhlatna (n) - a wireless telegram
- Biekin (n) - the church
- Biekzin (n) - pilgrim, pilgrimage
- Biel (adj) - round, spherical, square, spherically
- Biel (n) - area, region, section
- Bielnu (n) - a boy’s girlfriend
- Bielpa (n) - a girl’s boyfriend
- Bieltu (n) - one who is in charge of an area
- Bieng (n) - the cheek, the side post of a door
- Bieng biek (v) - to speak to one closely
- Bieng biek thiem (n) - one who is good at talking, one who makes others happy with their words
- Biengphaw (n) - the mumps, to have mumps
- Biengsum (n) - a dimple